8 Players | 2 Teams | 1 song!
Karaoke Wars is the brand new game show created by Ceejay Russell
This brand new twist on karaoke will be sure to have you joining in on the fun week after week!
Two teams of 4 compete against each other in a turn based, Karaoke game
Team One (T1) will be give two categories from one of the hosts. T1 will have 60 seconds to decide as a team which category they would like to challenge Team Two (T2) to.
Once T1 picked the category, T2 will have 60 seconds to pick a member from their team to put in the hot seat.
The hosts will then pick a song from that category to play
The hot seat contestant will have 60 seconds from when the hosts tell them to sing 5 lines from the song being played.
Failure to do so will result in no points being award and play will continue. If the Hot Seat does succeed, a point will be given to their team.
Teams caught singing, mouthing, humming, etc, will automatically disqualify the Hot Seat.
Hosts will have ultimate say on points being award and song choice.
After 60 seconds or if a point is awarded, we encourage the whole audience to sing along!
Have fun!